I used to wonder why some things happened throughout life and question why they didn't happen sooner or when I was ready for it or why it was happening now.
I often hear people say "I wished I had known this when I was younger (or sooner than now)" or "I wished this had happened earlier than now" or "Why is this happening to me now?"
I have said these statements many times over the years.
However, I have only, in recent years, come to discover and learn, that everything really does happen for you at the right time. We don't always consider it to be the right time but life is funny like that! Often the right thing at the right time is not necessarily what we are looking for and when we are caught up in the emotion of our situations, sometimes we don't realise it is the right thing.
Many years ago, I made off-handed comments about wanting to write a children's book but at the time had NO idea what it would ever be about or even that it was actually possible, as I never considered myself a writer.
About 4-5 years ago, the idea came up again and when a friend asked me what I would write about, I said something to do with Growth Mindset, but that's about as much as I knew! If you think back to around four years ago, the term 'Growth Mindset' was barely heard let alone used in conversations. I knew I had the idea but I didn't know what to do with it at the time.
Fast forward to today - through a lot of learning, growth and personal development, the children's book idea has not only been acted on but has fully come to life along with teacher and parent resources.
Over the last 12-18 months, there have been so many other resources that have become available around the topic of Growth Mindset. This started to instil some doubt into me about whether, what I was doing, was going to have the impact I envisioned or whether it was just going to be 'yet another thing' because there was stuff already out there.
Why didn't I write the book earlier when I first had the idea?
Why did I wait for so long?
Is what I am doing now going to get lost in the myriad of things already available?
But then I learned and discovered through conversations, that perhaps if what I was creating was ready earlier, it may not have been understood or people may not have been as open to it as they are now but also...that I wasn't ready either.
Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place. We won't always agree or like it but after the experience happens and you look back, you will see the lessons and realise you may not have been ready earlier or the world may not have been ready or you needed to learn something.
Mistakes and wrong turns all have a purpose. The thing is...sometimes we need to go through the mistakes and the lessons of life and discover we are on a track that we want to change. We usually end up in the right place after we have learned what we needed to learn, in order for us to be the person we need to be to move forward in life! A lot of things had to go wrong for me to end up in the right place!
Take advantage of opportunities. We don't know whether we are in the wrong or the right place unless we take action on the opportunities as they arise. One of three things will happen -
1. You will be in the right place at the right time and you will learn and grow; or
2. You will be in the right place at the wrong time and will learn and grow; or
3. You will in the wrong place at the wrong time and you will learn and grow!
One way is a little more comfortable than the others but either way, you will learn something you need to learn!
You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time. Other people might be doing something similar to you but you have to trust that your journey is not theirs and you are exactly where you need to be - even if it's messy and uncomfortable or painful.
Sometimes the right place is painful, messy and uncomfortable. It is not always going to be fun and laughter and good times. Sometimes our 'right place right time' is all about learning and growth. You have to be okay with that.
In order to live a happy and fulfilled life, understanding that life is happening FOR us and not TO us is necessary. Knowing we are exactly where we need to be, is important.
These few simple reminders are valuable for us and our little humans.
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think about what could go right.
The most important requirements for major success are
1. Being in the right place at the right time and
2. Doing something about it
Patience is the key because when the right time comes it will be very beautiful and totally worth the wait.
Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right place
Sometimes you need to steer yourself to the right place at the right time. Once you are there be sure you put your feet in the right place and then stand firm.
Timing is everything. So are opportunities and action.
Don't overthink it all. Be open to what is in front of you. Stop judging yourself according to what you think other people are doing or saying and trust that you are exactly where you need to be in your life right now.
Until next week...be kind to yourself and have a fabulous week!
Clarissa xo
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